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Add Claim to the Claims Tree

At t=0, the situation is the same left from the Identity section of tutorial. Our identity is still at the Genesis State. The Claims Tree contains only the authClaim. The revocation and roots trees are empty. The state hasn't been published on-chain yet.

Let's see what happens when if we decide to add a new claim to the Claims Tree.

1.Update the required dependencies.

go get

2.Add a new claim and fetch the new state

package main

import (

    core ""

// Change Identity State
func main() {

    // 1. Generate Merkle Tree Proof for authClaim at Genesis State
    authMTPProof, _, _ := clt.GenerateProof(ctx, hIndex, clt.Root())

    // 2. Generate the Non-Revocation Merkle tree proof for the authClaim at Genesis State
    authNonRevMTPProof, _, _ := ret.GenerateProof(ctx, new(big.Int).SetUint64(revNonce), ret.Root())

    // Snapshot of the Genesis State
    genesisTreeState := circuits.TreeState{
        State:          state,
        ClaimsRoot:     clt.Root(),
        RevocationRoot: ret.Root(),
        RootOfRoots:    rot.Root(),
    // STATE 1:

    // Before updating the claims tree, add the claims tree root at Genesis state to the Roots tree.
    rot.Add(ctx, clt.Root().BigInt(), big.NewInt(0))

    // Create a new random claim
    schemaHex := hex.EncodeToString([]byte("myAge_test_claim"))
    schema, _ := core.NewSchemaHashFromHex(schemaHex)

    code := big.NewInt(51)

    newClaim, _ := core.NewClaim(schema, core.WithIndexDataInts(code, nil))

    // Get hash Index and hash Value of the new claim
    hi, hv, _ := newClaim.HiHv()

    // Add claim to the Claims tree
    clt.Add(ctx, hi, hv)

    // Fetch the new Identity State
    newState, _ := merkletree.HashElems(

    // Snapshot of the new tree State
    newTreeState := circuits.TreeState{
        State:          newState,
        ClaimsRoot:     clt.Root(),
        RevocationRoot: ret.Root(),
        RootOfRoots:    rot.Root(),

    // Sign a message (hash of the genesis state + the new state) using your private key
    hashOldAndNewStates, _ := poseidon.Hash([]*big.Int{state.BigInt(), newState.BigInt()})

    signature := babyJubjubPrivKey.SignPoseidon(hashOldAndNewStates)

    authClaimNewStateIncMtp, _, _ := clt.GenerateProof(ctx, hIndex, newTreeState.ClaimsRoot)

    // Generate state transition inputs
    stateTransitionInputs := circuits.StateTransitionInputs{
        ID:                      id,
        OldTreeState:            genesisTreeState,
        NewTreeState:            newTreeState,
        IsOldStateGenesis:       true,
        AuthClaim:               authClaim,
        AuthClaimIncMtp:         authMTPProof,
        AuthClaimNonRevMtp:      authNonRevMTPProof,
        AuthClaimNewStateIncMtp: authClaimNewStateIncMtp,
        Signature:               signature,

    // Perform marshalling of the state transition inputs
    inputBytes, _ := stateTransitionInputs.InputsMarshal()


After issuing a new claim, the claims tree gets modified and, therefore, the Identity State changes. To complete the state transition it is necessary to verify it inside a circuit. The type StateTransitionInputs lets us pack the inputs needed to generate a proof while the InputsMarshal() function turns it into a json file that can be used directly as State Transition Circuit inputs. These inputs will be used in the next section.

The executable code can be found here