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Non-merklized credentials


While Iden3 protocol allows to "merklize" the whole JSON-LD document (transform the document into key-value pairs and put them into a sparse merkle tree for later proving of credential field value in the tree), which removes limits on amount and structure of the credential data, there's still a need to issue a core claim with the data itself. This is particularly useful for onchain issuers, which can’t work with json-ld schemas in smart contracts (for many reasons), and also for use cases when the actual data must be saved for cheaper access inside circuits (e.g. Auth BJJ credential public key representation).

Core Concept

Non-merklized credentials now can be created relying on JSON-LD schemas.

Example of such context:

  "@context": [{
    "@version": 1.1,
    "@protected": true,
    "id": "@id",
    "type": "@type",
    "AuthBJJCredential": {
      "@id": "",
      "@context": {
        "@version": 1.1,
        "@protected": true,
        "id": "@id",
        "type": "@type",
        "iden3_serialization": "iden3:v1:slotIndexA=x&slotIndexB=y",
        "xsd": "",
        "auth-vocab": "",
        "x": {
          "@id": "auth-vocab:x",
          "@type": "xsd:positiveInteger"
        "y": {
          "@id": "auth-vocab:y",
          "@type": "xsd:positiveInteger"

Schema is defined as a schema for non-merklized credentials by utilizing iden3_serialization attribute.

It contains a map string represented mapping, where:

iden3:v1 - version of protocol serialization, constant.

slotIndexA=x slotIndexA is index data slot A with index 2 for path to field x in credential

slotIndexB=y slotIndexB is index data slot B with index 3 for path to field y in credential

other possible values:

slotValueA slotIndexB is value data slot with index 6

slotValueB slotValueB is value data slot with index 7

When a user creates a schema, he should choose the slot to put the field.

Nested structures are supported and path is created using concatenation with . e.g for birthday field in the Index Data Slot A mapping entry looks like that:


  "@context": [
      "@version": 1.1,
      "@protected": true,
      "id": "@id",
      "type": "@type",
      "Passport": {
        "@id": "uuid:urn:229a9afc-4aad-48e4-b113-bf2ca6f3a98f",
        "@context": {
          "@version": 1.1,
          "@protected": true,
          "id": "@id",
          "type": "@type",
          "kyc-vocab": "",
          "xsd": "",
          "passportInfo": {
            "@id": "kyc-vocab:passportInfo",
            "@context": {
              "@version": 1.1,
              "@protected": true,
              "kyc-vocab": "",
              "xsd": "",
              "id": "@id",
              "type": "@type",
              "birthday": {
                "@type": "xsd:integer",
                "@id": "kyc-vocab:birthday"


  1. Fields in index slots make influence on the uniqueness of the claim in the clams tree of issuer, data in the value slots - don’t.
  2. Data Slots number is 4, so there is a restriction to have only 4 fields for non-merklized credentials.

Meanwhile @type filed for each field must contain one of the supported primitive types, so value can be written according to the data type.

List of supported data types:

XSD namespace {
  Boolean = '',
  Integer = '',
  NonNegativeInteger = '',
  NonPositiveInteger = '',
  NegativeInteger = '',
  PositiveInteger = '',
  DateTime = '',
  Double = ''

Libraries that support non-merklized credentials:

To create non-merklized credential in go-schema-processor / JS-sdk merklized Root Position must be set to None (default value) and ld context must contain iden3_serialization attribute.

            MerklizedRootPosition: verifiable.CredentialMerklizedRootPositionNone,

If context contains serialization attribute but MerklizedRootPosition is set to Index / Value error will be thrown.

In case context doesn’t contain serialization attribute and MerklizedRootPosition is set to Index / Value. Merkle root will be written to corresponding position. If the MerklizedRootPosition is set to None Merkle root will be written to Index.