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Key Authorization Claim

The most important building block of an identity is the Key Authorization Claim. This claim stores user's Baby Jubjub public key.

An Auth Claim must be included as a leaf inside the Identity Tree. All the actions performed by an Idenitity (such as claim issuance or revocation) require users to prove via a digital signature that they own the private key associated with the public key stored in the AuthClaim.

1.Specify the credential schema

The auth claim schema is pre-defined and should always be the same when creating an AuthClaim. The schema hash is: ca938857241db9451ea329256b9c06e5. According to this schema, X and Y coordinates of the Baby Jubjub public key must be stored, respectively, in the first and second index data slot.

2.Generate an AuthClaim.

package main

import (


// Create auth claim
func main() {

    authSchemaHash, _ := core.NewSchemaHashFromHex("ca938857241db9451ea329256b9c06e5")

    // Add revocation nonce. Used to invalidate the claim. This may be a random number in the real implementation.
    revNonce := uint64(1)

    // Create auth Claim 
    authClaim, _ := core.NewClaim(authSchemaHash,
    core.WithIndexDataInts(babyJubjubPubKey.X, babyJubjubPubKey.Y),

    authClaimToMarshal, _ := json.Marshal(authClaim)


Here is what the claim would look like:


Let us destructure the output:

"304427537360709784173770334266246861770", // Schema hash
"12360031355466667401641753955380306964012305931931806442343193949747916655340",  // X coordinate of the pubkey     
"7208907202894542671711125895887320665787554014901011121180092863817137691080"   // Y coordinate of the pubkey

"1", // revocation nonce
"0", // first value data slot
"0"  // second value data slot

The data stored in position 1 of the Value contains the Revocation Nonce. This value will be used to revoke/invalidate an AuthClaim. More on that in the next section.

The executable code can be found here