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Template Docs Example

Let's understand how circuits and templates can be described by their graphs. Just compare the following .circom code with its visual graph displayed underneath.

The code:

template Example () {
signal input input1;
signal input input2;
signal input input3;
signal input input4;
signal input input5;

    component template1 = Template1();
    template1.in1 = input1;
    template1.in2 = input2;
    template1.in3 = input3;

    component template2 = Template2();
    template2.in1 = input3;
    template2.in2 = input4;

The graph:

graph TB
    Input1 --> Template1
    Input2 --> Template1
    Input3 --> Template1
    Input3 --> Template2
    Input4 --> Template2

    classDef inputStyle fill:#ecb3ff
    class Input1,Input2,Input3,Input4,Input5,Input6,Input7,Input8,Input9 inputStyle

    classDef circuitStyle fill:#b3ffd4,stroke-width:3px;  
    class Template1,Template2,Template3 circuitStyle;

Basic Templates

Basic templates are not used independently to create circuits but are used as the building blocks for other templates.


This circuit checks if a claim exists in the sparse Merkle tree. By "exists", we mean that a value Hv (hash of all values slots) is located by path Hi (hash of all index slots) in the tree.

graph TB
    claim --> getClaimHiHv
    getClaimHiHv -- key --> SMTVerifier[SMTVerifier]
    getClaimHiHv -- value --> SMTVerifier
    claimMTP -- siblings --> SMTVerifier
    treeRoot -- root --> SMTVerifier
    1 -- enabled --> SMTVerifier
    zero1[0] -- fnc --> SMTVerifier
    zero2[0] -- oldKey --> SMTVerifier
    zero3[0] -- oldValue --> SMTVerifier
    zero4[0] -- isOld0 --> SMTVerifier

    classDef inputStyle fill:#ecb3ff
    class claim,claimMTP,treeRoot inputStyle

    classDef circuitStyle fill:#b3ffd4,stroke-width:3px;  
    class getClaimHiHv,SMTVerifier circuitStyle;


The circuit checks that the claim does not exist in the sparse Merkle tree. That means that the tree leaf is empty by a path, which is defined by the claim nonce.

graph TB
    claim --> getNonce
    getNonce -- key --> SMTVerifier[SMTVerifier]
    0 -- value --> SMTVerifier
    claimMTP -- siblings --> SMTVerifier
    treeRoot -- root --> SMTVerifier
    1 -- enabled --> SMTVerifier
    zero1[1] -- fnc --> SMTVerifier
    noAux -- isOld0 --> SMTVerifier
    auxHi -- oldKey --> SMTVerifier
    auxHv -- oldValue --> SMTVerifier

    classDef inputStyle fill:#ecb3ff
    class claim,claimMTP,treeRoot,noAux,auxHi,auxHv inputStyle

    classDef circuitStyle fill:#b3ffd4,stroke-width:3px;  
    class getNonce,SMTVerifier circuitStyle;


This circuit checks if the challenge signature is correct. The public key for verification is extracted from the claim.

graph TB
    claim --> getPubKeyFromClaim
    getPubKeyFromClaim -- Ax --> EdDSAPoseidonVerifier
    getPubKeyFromClaim -- Ay --> EdDSAPoseidonVerifier
    signatureS -- S --> EdDSAPoseidonVerifier
    signatureR8X -- R8X --> EdDSAPoseidonVerifier
    signatureR8Y -- R8Y --> EdDSAPoseidonVerifier
    challenge -- M --> EdDSAPoseidonVerifier

    classDef inputStyle fill:#ecb3ff
    class claim,getPubKey,signatureS,signatureR8Y,signatureR8X,challenge inputStyle

    classDef circuitStyle fill:#b3ffd4,stroke-width:3px
    class getPubKeyFromClaim,EdDSAPoseidonVerifier circuitStyle


The circuit calculates the identity state from the three Merkle tree roots and checks if it is equal to the expected state.

graph TB
    claimsTreeRoot --> calcRoot
    revTreeRoot --> calcRoot
    rootsTreeRoot --> calcRoot
    calcRoot --> equal[=]
    expectedState ---> equal

    classDef inputStyle fill:#ecb3ff
    class claimsTreeRoot,revTreeRoot,rootsTreeRoot,expectedState inputStyle

    classDef circuitStyle fill:#b3ffd4,stroke-width:3px
    class calcRoot,equal circuitStyle


This circuit checks that an expression within an operator and its value are true.

For example in="1", operator="4", value=["5","2","3"] is true because "4" is "not in" operator and "1" is not in the ["5","2","3"] array.

See all the operators in the circuit comments. The circuit graph is not represented here due to complexity.

Functional Templates

These are the templates that the Iden3 system mostly uses to generate and verify proofs directly. A functional template may use other functional templates as its building blocks.


This circuit checks the ownership of a specific identity in the following way:

  1. The claim with the public key should exist in the claims tree.
  2. The claim with the public key should not be revoked.
  3. The signature of a challenge should be valid.
  4. The state should be equal to "expected" from the blockchain.

The above criteria enable a verifier to check that the challenge is signed by an identity, which state is timestamped on the blockchain and if it includes the non-revoked claim with the relevant public key.


This circuit checks that an issuer has issued a claim for identity and validates the ownership of that identity in the following manner:

  1. Checks the identity ownership by idOwnershipBySignature template
  2. Verifies the claim subject, the schema and the expiration time.
  3. Checks if the issuer claim exists in the issuer claims tree.
  4. Checks if the issuer claim is not revoked by an issuer.
  5. Checks if the issuer claim satisfies a query.


This circuit checks that an issuer has issued a claim for identity and validates ownership of that identity in the following manner:

  1. Checks the identity ownership by idOwnershipBySignature template.
  2. Verifies the claim subject, the schema and the expiration time
  3. Checks if the issuer claim exists in the issuer claims tree.
  4. Verifies the claim signature by the issuer.
  5. Verifies if the issuer state matches with the one from the blockchain as the public input.
  6. Checks if the issuer claim satisfies a query.